The general meeting of members (the AIDA Europe Assembly) is the supreme governing body of the association (Art. 64 al 1 Swiss Civil Code / Art. 9 of AIDA Europe’s By-laws).

Its main functions are to decide on admission and exclusion of members, to appoint the committee and decide all matters which are not reserved to other governing bodies of the association. Furthermore, it supervises the activities of the governing bodies and may at any time dismiss the latter without prejudice to any contractual rights of those dismissed (Art. 65 al. 1 & 2 Swiss Civil Code/ Art. 9 of AIDA Europe’s By-laws). Each member has one vote at the AIDA Europe Assembly.

Next to the Committee Members of AIDA Europe it also decides upon the election of AIDA Europe’s Chairman, as well as any subscriptions to be levied and upon all matters not otherwise delegated to the Committee (Art. 9 of AIDA Europe’s By-laws). 

The Assembly approves AIDA Europe’s Annual Report and Annual Financial Accounts.

Note: All matters related to AIDA Europe’s Assembly are communicated on this webpage, including any Invitation, Assembly Proxy-Materials, Annual Reports and Annual Financial Accounts as well as any Assembly Minutes.