Association belge de droit des assurances (Section belge AIDA) / Belgische vereniging voor verzekeringsrecht (Belgische Sectie AIDA)

The Belgian Insurance Law Association

The Belgian Insurance Law Association is the Belgian Chapter of AIDA and was founded on 11 January 1962 shortly prior to the AIDA World Conference in Rome of April 1962.

From the outset membership was confined to all those having an interest in insurance law, thus academics as well as members of the insurance industry, supervisory authorities, representatives of the legal profession and of the judiciary.

Membership is open to every natural person, group, law firm or legal person who is professionally active in Belgium in the domain of insurance.

Since 2012 the Belgian Insurance Law Association has closely cooperated with the other Belgian insurance associations (AJA, VJ en Belgisch-Nederlands Verzekeringsrechtelijk Genootschap) with a view to stimulate and improve the involvement of these associations and of their members in the activities of AIDA and of AIDA Europe.

Further information can be found on its website and


As stated in its by-laws (last updated in 2014) the Belgian Chapter operates as a not-for-profit organisation aiming at the comparative study of insurance law and at the development of the international cooperation in the field of private and social insurance, as well as engaging in other activities which meet the goals pursued by AIDA World and AIDA Europe.

The Belgian Insurance Law Association is led by its Committee. 

  • Prof. Dr Caroline Van Schoubroeck (President)
  • Belgian Insurance Law Association, AIDA Belgian Chapter
    c/o Fondation Universitaire
    Rue d’Egmont 11
    1000 Bruxelles
  • Em. Prof. Jean Rogge (General Secretary)
  • Belgian Insurance Law Association, AIDA Belgian Chapter
    c/o Fondation Universitaire
    Rue d’Egmont 11
    1000 Bruxelles