XIV AIDA World Congress

Rome, Italy

The five topics for the Congress were:

  1. Transparency, Conflicts of Interest and Intermediary Remuneration;
  2. Arbitration;
  3. Preventive Measures;
  4. On-Line Insurance; and 
  5. Discrimination in Insurance.

Attached is the final Programme in  EnglishSpanish and Italian.

The format for the subjects was short presentations and roundtable/panel discussions with contributions encouraged from delegates.

Meetings of all the AIDA Working Parties also took place in Rome.

The Transparency Questionnaire, being the subject chosen by the host Italian Chapter, was sent to all Chapters. The Questionnaire is attached in SpanishItalian and English.  

With regard to the other four Questionnaires, these are attached below. The Chairmen of the four topics were:

Piero Bernardini - Arbitration Procedure of Law - English / Spanish

Samim Unan - On-Line Insurance -  English / Spanish 

Birgit Kuschke - Discrimination in Insurance -  English / Spanish

Samantha Traves - Preventive Measures -  English / Spanish

Agendas, papers and observations of the AIDA Working Party meetings in Rome can be found on the individual Working Party pages of this website.